2008年4月24日 星期四

93161186 Johnny

1. I came to a river and I had been crash to the downriver. I couldn't swim, so I climbed the rock to go back.

2. One day my friend and I drive the car to go outside but we forgot that turn off the car headlight. In the end when we went back to the car and the car couldn’t start, so we push the car by hand.

3. One day the lighten crashed on my house, so my TV, computer were all break.

4. One day my friend and I go to Jioufen and my motorbike broken in the mountain. We had no idea to handle this problem, so we borrow the huge rope to cord my bike and my friend took me home.

5. My friend took the cow’s tit, pinch the milk to my mouth.

6. One day my friend and I decoct the noodle soup for 24 hours. In the end we failed, so we change the plan to cook the fried noodles.

7. On my 21 birthday, my friend used the chafing fuel to write the “Happy birthday” and burns on fire for give a surprise. But it was rained so they failed.

8. One day my friend and I took a BBQ in the mountain and then bees attack us.

9. I was been shocked when a girl in elementary give a strange smile.

10. I finished the disquisition and I got the award.

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