2008年4月23日 星期三

93160865 Otis

1. I got my driver’s license in the freshman year, but I still need more practice to improve my driving skill.

2. I stopped my motorcycle outside of school and it was towed away. I just went to Linkou to get my motor back and paid hundreds of dollar for the ticket. It really made me upset then.

3. Once I went to final exam late and I failed in the subject. I learned this lesson and I won’t make the same mistake again.

4. I went to a bar with friends in a night and we all drunk a lot. Then we slept in a friend’s dormitory.

5. I went to Taichung to visit my friend who studied in college there. I stayed overnight and ate a lot of delicious food.

6.I went to KTV with friends for celebrating someone’s birthday. At first I was afraid of singing in front of people. But after going to KTV more and more times, gradually I became braver to sing although I didn’t sing well.

7. In the summer and winter vacations I assisted my father in his work. And now I know his work’s contents and learn something.

8. In the senior year I just work hard to finish our monographic paper. I passed the subject and I learned a lot.

9. My teacher asked us to submit our monographic paper to” International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies”(AIT) in Taichung, and now I have a opportunity to attend it.

10. Because I didn’t make efforts on some classes I took, I failed in them. Now I have to take them again and I will try my best to make my all classes pass.

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