2008年4月21日 星期一

93160300 Matt

1. A Part-Time Job in TK3C

When I was a fresh man, I must got a part-time job, because I really need money! (Money, money, money...XD) and it not just a part-time job, but I also make many friends in there.

2. Go to Wulai with My Friends

My friends and I go to Wulai, we have good time in there, but we didn't have hot spring.(most people go to Wulai just for hot spring... XD)

3. A Part-Time Job in Asus CEO & Asus Royal Club

Yes, I changed my part-time job, Asus CEO(Campus Execution Officer, not Chief Executive Officer...) and until now, I am working in Asus Royal Club, which is offer the service (like repair...) to the end-user who has the product of Asus.

4. Go to Yilan

The summer vacation in 2006, I go to Yilan for "Yilan International Children's Folklore & Folkgame Festival" with my friends, it was very funny! but it was closed and never hold. :(

5. Travel Around the Island

The summer vacation in 2007, My best friend and I traveled around the Island (of course is Taiwan...) by motorcycle, we spend a week to finsh it, it was an unforgettable experience.

6. Happy Birthday, Kevin!

Yo, man! Yes, we go to the KTV in Kevin's birthday, in that night, we got crazy. Mmm...the cake was on everyone face.

7. Go to Hualien

The summer vacation in 2006, my friends and I go to Hualien for whitewater rafting.

8. Project: VR

Kevin, Rovy and I had a project about VR (Virtual Reality),
see the video on Youtube, it's funny!

9. Game: MJ

Sometimes I will play MJ(Mah-Jong) with my friends, play it not for the money, we just for fun, and it really make me brainstorming.

10. Graduate
I will graduate form MCU and be a soldier...XD

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