2008年4月24日 星期四

93161100 Sunny

1. My first basketball game in MCU. We got the champion.

2.The 1st year I came to MCU, we had a party in school,
everyone's garbed were very speical.

3.When I was the member of CCE student association, we hold a party to celebrate the fresh men join to our department.

4. The 3rd year in MCU, my department went camping for three days, although it was very tired but we had the very good time.

5. The first time I joined to the game named 3o people 31 foot, everybody's foot had been tied together, it was so excited.

6.My first time to Green Island, it was also the first time I took the catamaran to off-shore island.

7.Last year's creative cheer squad race, I spent a week to make properties.

8. 2007.12.28-12.30 my friends and I went to A-Li mountain, the scenery there were very beautiful and the sunrice was very famous. The tourist guide told me that when the sun was rice it could jumped 7 times pre second, so people called that"jumped sun. "

9. My classmates and I had a monographic study, we took a year to accomplish it.

10.We're already graduate from MCU, few months ago we took many pictures. These are too many memorable things, I think although few years pass, when I see these pictures once more, those unforgettable memories will appears once again in my mind.

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