2008年4月28日 星期一

92160086 Travis

  1. A whole new life in the first year of university, I bought my first ride, made the new friend,drunk and many thing in my first time. I think it will be a good memory in my life.

  2. In the first year of university, I totally suck. Here were final exam coming, and it was time to wake up. I had done my best in that exam, fortunate that I get the pass. But I lost two courses in that semester, would you please let me pass the PE8 teacher…

  3. Music is my antidote. Anytime I sick or sad, it always can help me up. So my friend and I stood a punk band one year ago, and all we have a good time in the band. My favorite song is Good Riddance form Green day, and favorite guitar player is Billie Joe Armstrong. They're the best band and funny guys in the world. I hope that they would have a perform in Taiwan one day. I can’t wait for that day coming.

  4. I hate getting up early just for a 50 miles journey to the lovely school. No matter its typhoon or tornado, I have to pick my ride. But in the middle of the second year, I got out of school temporary. Not for that reason, I almost fed up.

  5. In the third year of university, I'd lost an important people in my life. Few people of my friend know about it, and I live normality as usual. It just sucks to me...

  6. Poor Travis. I had a traffic accident with my girlfriend when we got home. A drunkard drove his car just in front of us suddenly, and we rammed on. Finally we just had a little flesh wound, thanks god bless.

  7. During the time of university, I took a trip whit my girlfriend every summer vacation and winter vacation. Those were really good time of my life, and we got a lot precious memory. We had been to Japan, Hongkong, Mainland China and Thailand. Here are some beautiful Photo of these country.

  8. Maybe you can join us. Every semester of final, we would have a party together. After enjoy delicious food, we may change gif each other. Everyone of the class had a good time in the party, I am not an exception. Also we have a one-day tour or go to the KTV sometime. By the way, we just had a one-day tour to Hsinchu last week.

  9. We are the best. Last summer was the deadline to finish our school project, it was fortunate that we achieved the project and got a high appreciation. Thanks for my member and our teacher - JazzLiang, and I'm proud of you.

  10. Time flies. About one month later, we going to graduate from university. I don't know what to say in my mind, but I hope everyone will be fine afterward. Good-bye my friend.

93160484 Adonis

When I went to Ming Chuan,I got lost and found it about 30 minutes.It's a very unforgotable exprience.
When I was in first year of universty,I bought my first motorcycle.It cost mefifty five thousand NT dollars.

I had a traffic accident.I spended ten thousand NT dollars fixing my motorcycle.
I learned to play Mahjong in my universty life.
When I was second year of universty.I went Phuoclong sea water bathing place withmy classmates.We got a lot of fun.
I went to Kending with my classmates.We played superficial,banana ship and speed boat.Banana ship and speed boat were very exciting.We also played go cart together.And we ate a lot of seafood.It's very delicious.
When I was fourth year of universty,I was all pass my studies first time.And I gotscholarship.I was so happy.
I had a extracurricular visit withteacher.Teacher took us to Public television station.And I got many rich knowledge that time.
I wear bachelor clothing in my last year of universty.And I took graduation associationphotographs.I was so happy.Because I will graduated Ming Chuan.
I went to Hsinchu with my classmates.We ate a lot of delicious food there.Just like duck surface and Hsinchu rice noodle.

2008年4月27日 星期日

93161161 PORTER

When I first came in MCU, I got invited to have BBQ with my classmates. I had a wonderful time and leave me a good memory of it.
In my first year of university, I was a class PR. At that time we had some activities with other departments.
I got to know my girlfriend as a freshman.
When the midterm or final was coming, my classmates and I always sat together to discuss and solved about difficulties of the subjects and the problem.

5. Getting to the college make me learn how to play mah-jongg and win the money from them.
6. As a junior, my classmates and I had fun in northern Taiwan in spring break. That impressed me a lot.
7. During summer vacation in junior, I got my car license. That was lucky.
8. In senior year, I had a graduation photo shot with my classmates. It was the first time but it was also the last time we got together.
My girlfriend and I went to Kenting and I tried my first time snorkeling. I found that Taiwan is a beautiful place I need to treasure.
At the end of the semester, we usually held a class reunion. On May first, it is the last time having the party. I think I need to attend and spent the time with my lovely classmates.

2008年4月26日 星期六

92160770 Ronald

1. Until the first semester in college started, I just knew the department I choose was located at Taoyuan campus, it made me so shock because I thought the department was in Taipei campus before and I went to it just only spend fifteen minutes.

2. I got a second chance to be a freshman , but that is not I really hope.

3.This guy who was a senior of our department and he won much money of me by mah-jong, I really think he is an asshole.

4. I got a J&D Les Paul Standard Plus electric guitar in the sophomore, but I sold it several months later because I had no money to live.

5. Sometimes we went to singing and got drunk.

6. When I was sophomore, I got a long and curly hair first time, but I made my hair be strength back two days later because I thought it's not good for me.

7. My girlfriend said bye bye with me when I was the second time freshman.

8. I got a puppy when I was junior, but it had strayed.

9. In junior, we had a graduating project, it really spent a lot of time.

10. During this years, I have to ride motorcycle to school and back home for almost two hours everyday, it's fucking tired.

93160954 Wang

  • When I was a freshman, I lived in the dormitory with my classmates. We often played on-line games together. But we had no much leisure, after we promoted to the second grade. I cherish the memory of the year.

  • In the four years, I often looked for delicious food with my friends. Once we rode motorcycles to the strange city,Taipei. In the return, we lost our way many times.

  • It was distinct that my family barbecued together on the Moon Festival night. The most interesting thing was s little child slipped and fell. And the sound she cried out sounded like the toy she played.

  • BBQ1猴死囝崽嬉戲

  • In a hot summer, I was very boring at home. I wanted to go to the urban area by motorcycle, but I was held by a policeman on the way. He asked me to stop the motorcycle and go to a nearby hospital right away. It was actually performing an anti-air-raid maneuver. I stayed in the hospital for an hour. It was a special experience.

  • In this Chinese New Year, I visited the Flower Expo with my sisters. We looked many kinds of orchids and camellias. And there were many vendors along the roadside, I still remember one of them sold delicious ice creams, and I bought it twice.

  • 蘭花1

  • My older sister got married at the beginning of this year. Three red envelopes that I got and the delicious food on the wedding breakfast impressed me deeply.

  • 鮮蝦肋排

  • On the day that my sister graduated, we celebrated it together. And then we went to the IKEA. We tried out every kind of novel furniture, so we spent three hours there finally.

  • 冰淇淋

  • My sisters and I went to visit the old street in Neiwan in a fall. We ate sausages and stinky bean curd. Finally, we went to dabble and catch fishes in the small stream.

  • 內灣1內灣2

  • On a holiday, my sisters and I went to the Tian-Yuan temple located in Tamsui together to watch cherry blossoms. The sight was really very beautiful. Then we went to the Tamsui Old Street to eat delicious food.

  • 天元宮櫻花1天元宮櫻花2

  • In last Chinese New Year, my whole family rode bicycles together in Taichung. Although we spent much money having a meal and hiring the bicycles, we still had a good time.

  • 東風自行車1東風自行車2

93164111 Ken

1. When I transfer to MCU, I meet many new friends with me at transfer exam.

2. I attended many activities that do with other
university consociations, and had a good time.

3. I join the association of school, and held the post of a staff post.

4. We did a welcome party with new students, and let they acquaint with new university environment.

5. We have a BBQ activity of MCU.

6. I usually go out to the movie, go shopping with a few good friends.

7. I remember we usually go to ktv night sing and beat bowling.

8. We have a Christmas party in Christmas day.

9. My good friends celebrated my birthday for me and I‘m very happy.

10. In my university 3 years, the life is very colorful, knew a lot of friends and also learn to much experience.

2008年4月25日 星期五

93160263 Gordon

1.I attend the badminton club of CCE.

2.I met my girl friend at first year.

3.I leave live my girl friend's home to celebrate our first Christmas.

4.I took a hot spring at first time.

5.I always and almost lost the school bus at the morning.

6.I attend the BBQ of CCE.

7.I go to Kenting last summer.

8.I made some new friends at batminton class.

9.Our teacher take us for dinner to celebrate the end of our project.

10."Ken" broke my racket two weeks ago. Let me so sad ! T.T

2008年4月24日 星期四

93161186 Johnny

1. I came to a river and I had been crash to the downriver. I couldn't swim, so I climbed the rock to go back.

2. One day my friend and I drive the car to go outside but we forgot that turn off the car headlight. In the end when we went back to the car and the car couldn’t start, so we push the car by hand.

3. One day the lighten crashed on my house, so my TV, computer were all break.

4. One day my friend and I go to Jioufen and my motorbike broken in the mountain. We had no idea to handle this problem, so we borrow the huge rope to cord my bike and my friend took me home.

5. My friend took the cow’s tit, pinch the milk to my mouth.

6. One day my friend and I decoct the noodle soup for 24 hours. In the end we failed, so we change the plan to cook the fried noodles.

7. On my 21 birthday, my friend used the chafing fuel to write the “Happy birthday” and burns on fire for give a surprise. But it was rained so they failed.

8. One day my friend and I took a BBQ in the mountain and then bees attack us.

9. I was been shocked when a girl in elementary give a strange smile.

10. I finished the disquisition and I got the award.

93161100 Sunny

1. My first basketball game in MCU. We got the champion.

2.The 1st year I came to MCU, we had a party in school,
everyone's garbed were very speical.

3.When I was the member of CCE student association, we hold a party to celebrate the fresh men join to our department.

4. The 3rd year in MCU, my department went camping for three days, although it was very tired but we had the very good time.

5. The first time I joined to the game named 3o people 31 foot, everybody's foot had been tied together, it was so excited.

6.My first time to Green Island, it was also the first time I took the catamaran to off-shore island.

7.Last year's creative cheer squad race, I spent a week to make properties.

8. 2007.12.28-12.30 my friends and I went to A-Li mountain, the scenery there were very beautiful and the sunrice was very famous. The tourist guide told me that when the sun was rice it could jumped 7 times pre second, so people called that"jumped sun. "

9. My classmates and I had a monographic study, we took a year to accomplish it.

10.We're already graduate from MCU, few months ago we took many pictures. These are too many memorable things, I think although few years pass, when I see these pictures once more, those unforgettable memories will appears once again in my mind.