2008年5月28日 星期三

93161195 Jersy

1. After i went to university, I have to live in the dorm cause i am from Kaohsiung. That's my first time to live without my family but also know many interesting person.

2. School also made a "freshmen cup" for our new people here and we are proud to be the champion in the university.

3. College students sometimes they are crazy, so do I. We often went to KTV in middle night, and then we ride motorcycles to Dan-shui to see beautiful sunrise until 8 A.m. , we have to go to school, that' s a great memories.

4. I become the president of computer and communication engineering department when i was in junior year. My team cooperate with each for holding student activities. That's a very busy and exhausted life, but it fulfilled my university life.

5. I love music. So i participated the music club when i was freshman. Then i found out some people have the same interest with me in the club. I saw many differet interesting things from them. But unfortunately, i still didn't have my own band becasue of some reasons.

6. It was very important for us in the last year of university. Becasue we need to participate a project for our graduation. and we also have to found out what kind of job we prefer to have in the future or go for the master. Fortunately, our project got the first prize in our department.

7. I did three different jobs during the university year. Teaching drum, roller-skating and bartender. I got the extra money from those part-time job.

8. During the university year, i was trying to go traveling abroad every year. Because travel is the way which can learn the most. I went to europe in first year, Japan and US in second year and Vietnam in third year. The culture in those places are really different and let me see the differences of the world.

9. We went to Kenting during the spring break of the second year. That was a crazy trip. During the trip, I become black because of the heavy sunshine.

10. As the time for graduation, i have to figure out what we learn during the university for four years. we have to take the whole responsibility after university and work hard for our future.

2008年5月4日 星期日

93160573 Rita

  1. For anniversary of Ming Chuan, every departments have to form a cheer squad. Though I didn't take part in it, I still feel accomplished when I saw my classmates on the stage and show their effort.
  2. There is a chorus competition in the second semester for freshman. Eventually, we didn't get place still feel very happy not only the competition is over but also we have a good time and get much more closer.
  3. For an ordinary rule, when I became a sophomore have to invite my junior to have a meal. In the end, my several friend and I decide have a BBQ for them. It can take us ease and feel more comfortable.
  4. It will hold a BBQ by our department once a year. It's free but you have to enter your name and pay NT$50 deposit first if you want to go.
  5. We will have a funfest in our class meeting before a academic year over. We'll prepare a gift to exchange and go there to eat pizza, sometimes we even have to role-playing!
  6. I had a part-time job in CCE office last year with my friends. It's really unforgettable and teachers are very kind and humorous. Definitely I learn about something out of textbooks.
  7. Last year is the most important semester for our department to pass the IEET. And I'm so lucky to be a guest receptionist. After that, I went home with a box of bread and have a meal with three teacher and schoolmates several days later.
  8. When I still work at my PROJECT RESEARCH. My team workers and I sometimes stay in the s205 Lab till ten o'clock in the night. It's really a hard day for me.
  9. One day after midterm exam when I was junior, my friend and I went to HOLIDAY KTV and singing all night. It's a crazzy experience but very interesting. And all of us were totally tired out.
  10. I still remember that my friends and I had a BBQ on the Moon Festival two year ago. On that day, we played a game named "kelp fist" and the losers had to ate green pepper or three piece of toast.